Sorry for not updating before, things are moving kind of slow here. The building is now in the hands of the city hall, and as there is flammable material inside we can’t start working.
We were allowed in the building again today with Antonio to get a better idea of the damages and our first impression was correct. The mill is ok but everything that was in the warehouse is basically gone.
We are looking for alternatives, but we can’t do anything until we are given the building back, so we are still waiting. We hope it is not a long waiting but we are in Uruguay, so the answer is always “soonâ€. We have to be patient.
We are leaving for the TNNA show in Columbus on Wednesday. We will of course be monitoring things very closely, but for this week it seems there’s not much to do regarding rebuilding.
Again, I would like to thank you all for your support; it’s great to know that we have so many people with us at this difficult time. We are sure we will thought this soon, and who knows, we may end up doing things better after all this.
To those going to the TNNA show, we hope to see you there, I'll keep posting while I'm in Columbus.